Monday, November 25, 2013


Marriage isn't easy but if you love your partner, it is always worth fighting for and can be fun and exciting. No marriage is perfect regardless of how hard the test or situation may be, never give up! 
We have to always keep in mind what it is about that person that we fell in love with the first place. We also must remember that "life happens" and whatever life brings you, you must go through it together. Keep God first! in HIM you can never go wrong, He is the CREATOR OF MARRIAGE!!!!!The devil can't tear down a team that is already united but he may succeed in a marriage that's already divided! 
As a woman, we carry so much on us and inside of us that sometimes we feel we are all alone and our spouse doesn't understand, but he does! and sometimes what you'll find is that he understands a lot more than we think or give him credit for! Some if not most men aren't as out spoken as we are on certain things, they need time to process and eliminate first where as us women can handle it right then and there. Patience is key with our men. Prayer is key in our marriages! 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Women are "daddy's girls" & most women look for men who they see as being like their fathers. So if their father divorced or left their mothers or were cheaters, absent, or abusive, then they have no faith that men will stay or treat them the way they deserve to be treated. Even if their heart desires it, & they communicate that they want it, because deep down inside (sub-consciously) they only expect from men what they have seen from the men they loved, who as they grew up taught & created in them their expectations from men. In revelation women try to raise their sons opposite of how they have seen women treated & or have they have allowed men to treat them. However without being said boys see & understand what their mothers don't want them to see, & even though they are loving & protective of their mothers they most often treat women the same as how they saw their mother's treated by men, or by the spirit of hatred they felt their mothers having in their heart toward men.
This all leaves us where we are as a society, which is most people not trusting anyone, scared & not loving the one, & blaming everyone else for what someone else has done to them in the past.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Why Many Men Cheat & Most Women Allow It"(Beyond Deep)

Most men cheat because they have been taught to view & value women as their property & not as their partner who has been purposed to them by God. Most men don't seek God when seeking a women, they are led by their flesh. Anything through the flesh is only temporary, because flesh does not have spiritual substance, which is needed to connect souls in love eternally & unconditionally forever. Even deeper most men are taught how to treat women by those who raised them, because men learn how to treat women based on how they see men/fathers treat their mothers/women, or by watching the women who raise them engage in relationships with men. Boys have a different level of connection with their mothers, that's why the phrase "momma's boy" is so relevant, because most boys are & they love their mothers deeply & learn better through their love for them. They have more difficulty with their fathers & or men because many don't want to see themselves in them, because often they don't respect them. However they often grow up to be just like the very men they despise, when they grow up without God's guidance. Which is deep because that means many boys grow up to become what they grew up hating, which is "self-hatred," & inevitably "self-destructive."

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Next week I will be discussing a new topic and we will be talking about pregnancy, nnd how to be healthy while pregnant.
6. Keep up with doctor's visits. Seeing your doctor regularly can help catch illnesses and infections early, making it much easier to treat them. Visit your primary care physician, dentist, gynecologist, cardiologist, or any other physician you may be seeing (depending on your personal medical needs) on a regular basis. Visit your doctor when you are feeling sick or think you may have an infection, and be sure to keep up with routine check-ups.
5. Change your tampon regularly. Women who use tampons should change them at least once every 4-8 hours to reduce the likelihood of getting Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), a potentially fatal bacterial infection from tampons. If you plan on sleeping more than eight hours, then wear an overnight pad instead of a tampon while you sleep.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

4. Don't share razors, towels, or makeup with other people. Sharing personal items like these with other people increases the likelihood of spreading Staph infections. If you do share towels or clothing, be sure to wash them both before and after lending them to others.

3. Cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze. This is extremely important if you want to avoid spreading germs to those around you. Be sure to wash your hands with soap and water after you cough or sneeze.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

2. Clean the surfaces in your home regularly. You should wipe the kitchen counter, floors, shower, and dining tables at least once a week using either soap and water or conventional household cleaning products. If you live with other people, consider coming up with a system of chores and alternate cleaning jobs every week.
Consider using eco-friendly cleaning products that contain less harsh chemicals than the conventional brands.
Always wipe your shoes on a doormat before entering the home. Consider taking your shoes off and leaving them at the door before entering the home, and asking guests to do the same. This will prevent the spread of dirt and mud throughout the house.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

How To Prevent Illnesses

1. Wash your hands with soap and water. This is one of the most important ways to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. Wash your hands after using the restroom; before, during, and after preparing food; before eating food; before and after caring for someone who is sick; after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing; and after handling animals and/or animal waste.
Consider keeping a hand sanitizer with you at all times in case you can't reach a bathroom to wash your hands.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

6. Trim your hair every 4-8 weeks. Whether you're trying to grow your hair out or prefer to keep it short, trimming it will keep hair healthy, get rid of split ends, and give an overall cleaner, healthier appearance.
7. Clip your fingernails and toenails regularly. Not only will this keep your hands and feet looking their best, it will prevent hangnails, breakage, and other potential damage to your nails. How often you clip your fingernails will depend on your personal desired length. To decide, take into account what you use your hands for on a daily basis. If you spend a lot of time typing on a computer or playing the piano, for example, short nails are probably the best option for you. If you prefer longer nails, that's fine too, but be sure to trim them every so often to prevent breakage.
Use an orange stick to remove dirt from underneath the fingernails to prevent bacterial infections.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

5. Wash your clothes after wearing them. In general, shirts should be washed after every use, while pants and shorts can be worn a few times before they require washing. Use your best judgment to determine how often to wash your clothes.
Remove any stains from your clothing before wearing them.
Iron out wrinkles, and use a lint-remover to remove unwanted lint and hair from clothing.
4. Wear deodorant. Anti-persperant helps control excessive sweat, while deodorant covers up unpleasant body odor caused by sweat. Consider using a natural, aluminum-free deodorant to reduce potential health risks associated with conventional deodorants.
If you choose not to wear deodorant on a daily basis, then consider wearing it on the days when you plan on sweating excessively, or for special occasions. Apply deodorant before playing sports, going to the gym, or attending a formal occasion.
If you don't wear deodorant, then rinse your underarms with soap and water throughout the day to remove unpleasant odor.

Friday, April 5, 2013

3. Brush your teeth every morning and evening.
Regular tooth-brushing helps prevent gum disease, which has been linked to other illnesses elsewhere in the body like heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. It is especially important to brush teeth after eating sweets or acidic foods that cause tooth erosion.
To keep your gums extra strong, carry around a travel-sized toothbrush and toothpaste and brush your teeth in between meals.
Floss your teeth every night to prevent the gum disease Gingivitis.

2. Choose a daily face cleanser.
Remember that the skin on your face is more sensitive than on other parts of your body. You can either use your face cleanser in the shower or wash your face separately at the sink.
Take your skin type into account when choosing a face cleaner. If you have very dry skin, avoid products that contain a high alcohol contain, as this will further dry out your skin. If you have very sensitive skin, opt for hypo-allergenic products that contain less harsh chemicals.
If you wear a lot of makeup, find a cleanser that also specializes in removing makeup. Otherwise, buy a separate makeup remover and remove all makeup before washing your face at the end of the day.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

 Part One: Putting Your Best Foot Forward
Shower daily. This is the best way to get rid of any dirt, sweat, and/or germs that your body may have accumulated throughout the day, and prevents pin worms and other hygiene-related diseases. As a plus, showering daily helps you feel, look, and smell your best throughout the day.
Use a loofah, sponge, or hand towel to gently scrub your entire body, removing dead skin cells and dirt.
If you don't want to wash your hair every day, then invest in a shower cap and wash your body with soap and water.
If you don't have time to shower, then use a hand towel to rinse your face and underarms at the end of the day.

How to Be Hygienes

How to Be Hygienes
Managing your personal hygiene is important not only to look and smell your best on a daily basis, but also to prevent the onset and spread of infectious diseases. Taking the proper precautions can help you avoid getting sick and passing illnesses on to those around you. Read this article to learn how to manage personal hygiene to both improve your overall appearance and ward off infections.
Continue reading to know more.